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Thursday, April 5, 2007

What's in a Name?

Before I return to the subject of music, let's reflect ...
No one knows where Ken's names came from, period. There was no one in the family named Kenneth, or Gary, so it must have been a fad. They had to come up with something other than Adolph H. Wicht in 1955. He would have been the 6th.
Ken detested anything but Ken when he was younger, and despised Gary with a passion. He eventually got used to Kenny, but still referred to his middle name as "Garrish".
There was a change of heart by the time I was born: I was named after two uncles; Paul, dying in his first year, born with severe Downs' Syndrome. Mom cried about him every year. Ken's niece got her first and middle names from her.
Edward was the youngest of the 5, and her favorite. Fortunately, she never saw his dark side.

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